
news/2025/2/26 13:31:24







Get up at eight in the morning, eat breakfast, work in the teaching and research section. So often, will not feel pain, or too much pressure.
Riding a bike in the morning, is intended to mail gifts. This is also a small breakthrough, in fact, I do not think so difficult, but every time a small breakthrough, I feel very happy. So far, I think, relatively rare things, mostly are learning, academic things, it is difficult. In life, most are things that seem difficult, actually easy. In the morning when revising papers, originally wanted to find some supporting data, but the wood accumulation, when used on search and not.
Now encountered problems, would like to use other people's programs, but unfortunately, no solution. Try many times, will think of based on their own cognitive give a solution, in the solution, met some can ask for help, and then to search. Of course, the problem and the program is also a dialectical relationship. This is based on individual cognition, can decide whether to be a problem or scheme. Encountered problems, it will not rush to start, first sort out the logic, before embarking on the preparation of the basic material, and then give solutions.
Originally, what did not write a notebook, that don't know what to write, but write, you can write a lot of small things, recalling that day, only to find that there were a lot of things, most almost forgotten by me, if you do not review, don't write it down, then really just think of it.
Often find themselves confused about many basic concepts, or cognitive one-sided. In fact, many of the basic concepts of cognition, are an ongoing process. With the deepening of cognition, the basic concepts are changing. The basic concept may be right now, but tomorrow may not be right. Maintain a critical spirit of their own cognitive. Often encounter such a situation, do not know where to self-confidence, will argue with others a fact, and mutually dissatisfied. Finally, had to pass degrees, or dog brother to arbitration. Afterwards, I found that I was so confident that the reason is based on a very early cognition, which is more than a decade ago memories. Therefore, to maintain the critical spirit is right! Now encounter basic concepts will be further thinking about some problems. And no longer, simply remember its definition.
Writing things, or writing their own things more sense of accomplishment. Although not necessarily accurate, but also must have confidence. Afternoon, evening, are also modified papers on the logical adjustment of papers. In the evening, also check the weight, for the thesis also has some new ideas!






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